In the dynamic landscape of healthcare within skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), a specialized role is emerging as pivotal in enhancing the quality of care for elderly residents while reducing unnecessary hospital visits. SNFists possess a deep understanding of geriatrics, post-acute and complex medical care, are well-versed in skilled nursing facility regulations, and are adept at providing high-quality care under resource constraints. Their growing presence marks a significant shift towards a more focused, patient-oriented approach in post-acute and long-term care settings.

This article delves into the transformative impact of SNFists, exploring their multifaceted role in preventing avoidable rehospitalizations for nursing home residents, addressing a complex and high interest need in the sphere of post-acute healthcare.

Related article: What is a SNFist? – Can this be embedded into the first mention of “SNFist” above?

SNFist role in reducing care transitions

The Impact of SNFists on End-of-Life Care

The emergence of Skilled Nursing Facility specialists, or SNFists, has marked a significant advancement in this domain, highlighting their pivotal role in enhancing the quality of care for nursing home and skilled nursing facility residents during their most vulnerable moments.

Reducing Burdensome Care Transitions

study published in JAMA Network Open reveals the profound impact SNFists have on reducing burdensome care transitions for residents at the end of their lives. Specifically, SNFists in a skilled nursing facility correlate with a notable decrease in rehospitalizations for minor health issues. These findings underscore the SNFists’ ability to provide coordinated, holistic care that aligns with the patients’ and their families’ wishes, focusing on comfort and minimizing unnecessary medical interventions.

Enhancing Quality of Life

This approach by SNFists not only respects the residents’ care preferences but also represents a critical step in addressing the broader issue of healthcare system overutilization. By prioritizing quality of life and avoiding disruptive and often futile medical treatments, SNFists help to ensure that patient’s wishes for interventions of care are respected and they can continue receiving care in their familiar environment when appropriate.

Specialized Training in Complex Post-Acute, Chronic Disease Management and Palliative Care

Moreover, the increasing reliance on SNFists recognizes their specialized training in complex post-acute care, chronic disease management and palliative care, which equips them to manage these health issues sensitively and effectively. Their expertise allows for a nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by complex post-acute and long-term care patients and their families, making them indispensable in navigating the intricacies of care planning and communication.

the Growing Role of SNIfist

The Growing Presence of SNFists in SNFs

A Marked Increase in SNFist Prevalence

Between 2013 and 2018, the skilled nursing facility landscape experienced a significant transformation with the prevalence of SNFists increasing dramatically from 13.5% to an impressive 52.9%. This surge underscores the healthcare industry’s growing recognition of the unique and critical role these specialists play in enhancing patient care and outcomes in SNFs.


How SNFists Reduce Hospitalizations and Improve Care

The role of SNFists in skilled nursing facilities is multifaceted, with their primary focus on enhancing resident care while reducing unnecessary hospitalizations. Their approach combines proactive medical management with a deep understanding of the unique needs of the post-acute and long-term care population.

Early Detection and Prompt Treatment

One of the key contributions of SNFists is their ability to detect subtle changes in a resident’s condition early on. Their presence within the facility ensures that these changes are not only identified promptly but also addressed in a timely manner, often allowing for treatment to occur within the SNF itself. This early intervention is crucial in preventing complications that could lead to hospital admissions.

Comprehensive Geriatric Care

SNFists excel in providing comprehensive geriatric care. Their expertise in managing the complex health issues commonly seen in elderly residents, including multiple comorbidities and polypharmacy, plays a vital role in maintaining resident health and stability. This comprehensive approach helps in significantly reducing the need for hospital transfers.

End-of-Life Care Management

In managing end-of-life care, SNFists demonstrate their invaluable capacity to make such periods as comfortable and dignified as possible for residents. By focusing on palliative care and avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations and burdensome transitions, they ensure that residents’ days are spent comfortably.

Continuity of Care

The continuity of care provided by SNFists cannot be overstated. Their consistent presence and deep familiarity with each patient’s medical history and personal preferences ensure that care is comprehensive and personalized. This continuity is a critical factor in minimizing the risk of hospital readmissions, as it allows for more accurate assessments and tailored interventions.

Collaboration With Interdisciplinary Teams

Lastly, SNFists’ effectiveness is significantly enhanced by having a supportive and collaborative team around them. At Ascent Healthcare, we provide opportunities for collaboration with our team of Certified Medical Directors, Physicians, PAs, NPs and our leadership team members. We also bring in community resources to provide extra in-services on topics such as wound care, renal care and coding. This support and interdisciplinary approach allows the SNFists to address all aspects of a resident’s well-being, preventing circumstances that could lead to hospitalization. 

SNFist role in collaborating

The Skilled Nursing Facility team is simultaneously important to the success of the SNFist in preventing avoidable rehospitalizations. The Skilled Nursing Facility team is comprised of an Administrator, Director of Nursing, Social Services Director and Resident Care Managers who work with the SNFist to ensure changes in condition and progress or decline in their care goals are known and addressed. The Skilled Nursing Facility team nurses communicate with their SNFist through communication tools known as SBARs to ensure the SNFist understands the current situation and recommendations for next steps. This communication and collaboration ensure the SNFist has information needed to make the necessary steps to potentially avoid a rehospitalization. 

Through collaboration with their company’s internal team and with the skilled nursing facility team at the facility, SNFists foster a multidisciplinary approach to care that addresses all aspects of a resident’s well-being, preventing circumstances that could lead to hospitalization. Their comprehensive approach to care, focusing on early intervention, specialized senior management, and a collaborative care model, sets a high standard for healthcare in the post-acute setting.

The Roll of SNFists

Enhancing Post-Acute and Complex Chronic Care: The Path Forward

As we examine the transformative impact SNFists have within skilled nursing facilities, it becomes evident that their role is not just beneficial but essential for advancing the quality of care for our post-acute and long-term care population. Their specialized skills in managing complex health conditions, coupled with a proactive approach to patient care, significantly reduce unnecessary hospitalizations and ensure that residents receive compassionate, comprehensive care during their stay.

Join the Movement

For skilled nursing facilities, investing in SNFist programs is not just an operational decision but a commitment to elevating the standard of care for our post-acute and long-term care population. It’s a step towards ensuring every resident receives the specialized, compassionate care they deserve.

Together, by embracing and promoting the role of SNFists, we can continue to improve the landscape of senior care, impacting the lives of those who have spent a lifetime impacting ours. Let’s forge ahead, united in our mission to provide the highest quality of life for our post-acute and long-term care residents, ensuring their healthcare journey is marked by dignity, respect, and unparalleled care.

Are you looking for a career as a SNFist? Check out our Careers page.